March 22, 2023

Wordless Hungry Squirrel on the Shagbark Hickory

hungry squirrel


[Hey Friends: I've noticed an increase in anonymous comments. I think the Blogger comment form has changed. I want to publish legitimate comments. If you post anonymously, please include your name in the comment text so I know who you are, and that you're a real person and not a bot. (First name is fine; first name and handle, even better.) Thanks so much!]


  1. They're so cute - even if they can be annoying.

    1. I don't have issues (for the most part) with these guys. We have enough acorns and other nuts for them, and they don't bother my plants much. Now the rabbits...

  2. I’m quite fond of squirrels, even though they can be pesky! Raids on the bird feeders, etc….

    1. I enjoy them, too, and I don't find them pesky here. We have a baffle on the feeder that keeps them out of the seed.

  3. Wow! Great portrait of the squirrel.
    Have a blessed day!

  4. What a cheeky fella having toast in a tree. ;-)

  5. Yes the comment function for blogger has gotten tricky. Sometimes I end up anonymous unintentionally.

    Great photo of the little beast. So he doesn't demand the crusts be removed?

    The squirrels we have here are non-native and are out-competing the native ones, so I don't have a lot of sympathy, since they love to ruin our avocados by taking one bite out of them and then going on to the next fruit and taking one bite out of them, and on and on. They know me well because I chase them off whenever I can. But, yeah, not quite as bad as rabbits!

    1. Thanks for checking in. Most of our squirrel visitors are native Eastern gray squirrels. They're plentiful here but with all our trees, we have plenty of acorns and hickory nuts for them to consume and stash. They're fun to watch.

  6. Beth, it's Hollis here ... Blogger us being weird about comments. I was no longer getting notifications of comments, and found a Settings page where I turned it back on. A blog friend can only post anonymously on his OWN blog (replies)! Another friend who was never able to comment at all now can and with his name. Hopefully things will settle down soon.

    1. Hey Hollis: Interesting. Seems we're all experiencing some issues of various sorts. I want to accept all valid comments, but I like to know they're real people. Yes, let's hope things will settle down and people can comment as they wish and receive comments as they wish.

  7. and about squirrels ... one showed up in the yard today, must be spring. Emmie, who normally does NOT go outside long with temps in the 20s spent all kinds of time trying to catch him, as she has for 8 years now. She never gives up!

    1. Fun. :) We have squirrels year-round. They're so fun to observe. The chipmunks hibernate from about November through March. They've recently re-appeared, too. Cut little creatures.

  8. Good morning Beth! I do think Blogger has changed its form. It's completely different from a few months ago anyway. Happy spring and your squirrel is cute.~~Dee

    1. Hey Dee: Thinking of you with the tornado. Yikes! Yes, Blogger is different. I'm trying to work with it. I guess as long as I can keep publishing my posts and they look OK, I'll be alright. Take care as you clean up and make adjustments after the storm.

  9. That sassy squirrel looks exactly like the one I shooed away from the birdfeeder yesterday after he tipped it over and knocked the seeds out on the ground. He grabbed a peanut in his mouth before he ran away.

    1. They can be little imps, for sure! We have a baffle on the bird-feeder pole that seems to keep the squirrels out to the bird seed. But they keep trying...

  10. Oh...this is TOO cute! This squirrel has got attitude!

    1. Yes, it was chomping away on that tasty bread. They sure are fun to watch!


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