March 02, 2023

Revisiting the San Antonio Riverwalk

riverwalk 2

Have you been to San Antonio, Texas? Have you walked along the Riverwalk? We spent the second half of February in San Antonio, and part of the fun was exploring the Riverwalk. We'd been there more than three decades earlier; since then, it's been expanded by more than a dozen miles, so it was even more amazing than during our first visit.

From scenery and landscaping, to restaurants and attractions, to historical landmarks, to parks and fun--there's so much to see and do along the Riverwalk's 15 miles on both sides of the river.

cypress trees

Huge and impressive native Bald Cypress trees (Taxodium distichum) line some areas of the shoreline. Apparently, they can grow to be 100s of years old and 80-120 feet tall.

riverwalk 1

The landscaping along the Riverwalk includes creative stonework, plantings, and waterfalls. We visited during late winter/early spring, and I can imagine it must be really lovely from mid-spring through November, and colorfully lit during the holidays.

riverwalk 3

San Antonio has a subtropical climate, so palm trees are also common sights along the way.

rosa chinensis

It was sweet to see roses blooming in February. While there were no tags on this one, I believe it's a Rosa chinensis cultivar.

villa finale

Historical landmarks are also fun to explore along the way. This property, the Villa Finale, is a beautiful structure, with equally impressive landscaping surrounding it--even at the end of winter. Also known as the Norton–Polk–Mathis House, it was built in 1876.

villa finale info

Historical markers help to tell the stories.

nandina domestica

Heavenly Bamboo shrubs (Nandino domestica) line some of the walkways; during our visit they were laden with bright berries.

the alamo

And, of course, the Alamo is a must-see during a San Antonio trip. We visited a few of the area's missions, as well.

The weather was great for most of our trip, with highs in the 70s and 80s F during most of the days. We're glad to be home, but it was a wonderful getaway at the end of the winter. More coverage to follow...


  1. That's a place I'd really like to see in person one day. I'm glad you had a great time, Beth!

    1. Yes, it's a wonderful place to visit. We had a couple of weeks this time and more than a week last time. But there are still so many things I'd like to explore more. We were somewhat limited this time by having the dog with us, but he loved it, too. It's a very dog-friendly locale.

  2. I've walked the river walk, what wonderful memories. I think it was the early 90's. It was so lush and warm, very different from Seattle where I was living at the time. How lucky you were to get away in February!

    1. Yes, we were happy to escape Wisconsin for most of February. And now that we're back, things in the garden here are getting interesting. ;-)

  3. We visited back in 2012. I do want to visit again. I will enjoy your posts, they will bring back many a memory of our family trip in 2012.
    Carla from The River

    1. Nice. Yes, I imagine it would be a great place for a family trip, too! We've never done that. We had the dog with us this time, but it was just the two of us, with another couple who lived there, the previous time. Thanks for signing your name, Carla. I don't generally approve anonymous comments, but with your name I knew who you were. :)

  4. That looks like a great getaway. I have friends who live there who I Zoom with weekly so I am usually up on the weather and local news from there.

    1. Yes, it's a great place to visit, for so many reasons. I'd much rather be there than here in February...and early March when winter hangs on too long.

  5. This looks like a wonderful place to visit and I love the rose blooming in February! Thanks for sharing your getaway with us!

    1. You are welcome. Yes, the roses blooming in the winter were really special and unexpected (to me). That would be a true benefit to living in a warm climate. San Antonio is wonderful--I highly recommend it!

  6. Yes, the Riverwalk is great! We were there for a boat parade one year right after Thanksgiving, and it was beautiful! Glad you had such a good time on your respite from winter weather!

    1. A boat parade! That sounds like fun. I've only been to San Antonio twice, but I've enjoyed it both times. And yes, it was great to escape the Midwest for most of February. :)

  7. Have never been there, but it looks like a good place to visit. 70s and 80s, much warmer than SoCal's February this year! We're enjoying our coldest winter since 1978-79. (Well I'm enjoying it.)

    May have been a good time to visit--less people and certainly less heat than July, and more active plants than WI's at that time of year.

    1. I highly recommend it. We've only been there in March (last visit) and February (this visit). The weather was perfect both times. Either month is great, although I think we really beat the crowds in February. SoCal is awesome, too. I've been there in all seasons (family out there). I think I liked winter and early spring the best (times when Madison is...meh).

  8. Well timed to enjoy the away, and the home again.


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