Rarely in my life have I found it difficult to communicate my thoughts through written words…but now is one of those times. It’s not for lack of blog post ideas; rather, none of these themes seem appropriate just now.
“This changes everything!” is a cliché that’s literally true right now for the vast majority of humans—many of us for the first time in our lives. Pandemics and global tragedies have happened before, but few of us currently living have had our lives turned upside-down as we are now.
Yes, we will get through this, but avoiding acknowledging the seriousness of the situation simply doesn’t feel right to me. So, this is my nod to these difficult times.
My garden is slowly waking, and I’m sure this blog will be quite active as the growing season progresses. But today, in mid-March 2020, as this novel coronavirus spreads in my community, my country, and throughout the world, I’m taking a pause to reflect on what’s ahead.
Each new emerging plant and blooming flower brings a little more hope. Please stay safe and healthy, my friends.