I'm joining in with Garden Ruminations' Six on Saturday meme: highlighting six things of note in the garden. We're having a beautiful May, with many plants blooming synchronously and holding their blooms because of cool (but not cold) nighttime temperatures.
With this post, I'm highlighting shrubs, shrub-like plants, and climbers.
1. The Highbush Cranberries (Viburnum trilobum) are in full bloom. These broad, tall native shrubs are great understory anchors at the edge of the woods.
2. Clematis 'Nelly Moser' climbs trellises at the back corners of the house. In full bloom, it's quite dramatic and welcomes hummingbirds and other pollinators.
3. Helleborus 'Sandy Shores' is setting seed, but it's still lovely. With broad, evergreen foliage, it adds a pleasant foundation structure to a very shady spot on the north side of the house.
4. The Bleeding Hearts (Lamprocapnos spectabilis) form small, shrub-like patches in several spots in the garden. Each clump is about three feet tall and four feet wide. They've been blooming for several weeks now.

1. The Highbush Cranberries (Viburnum trilobum) are in full bloom. These broad, tall native shrubs are great understory anchors at the edge of the woods.

2. Clematis 'Nelly Moser' climbs trellises at the back corners of the house. In full bloom, it's quite dramatic and welcomes hummingbirds and other pollinators.

3. Helleborus 'Sandy Shores' is setting seed, but it's still lovely. With broad, evergreen foliage, it adds a pleasant foundation structure to a very shady spot on the north side of the house.

4. The Bleeding Hearts (Lamprocapnos spectabilis) form small, shrub-like patches in several spots in the garden. Each clump is about three feet tall and four feet wide. They've been blooming for several weeks now.

5. Fred's 'Sweet Mary' Rose is preparing to bloom. In this photo, some Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) fluff is captured around the bud. This Rose cultivar was created by my paternal great-grandfather, as described in this post.

'Sweet Mary' isn't blooming yet this year, but when it does it looks like this, and the scent is intoxicating! It's a healthy shrub-like rose that takes little care other than annual pruning.

6. Finally, the Korean Lilacs (Syringa meyeri) are fabulous this year (also shown in the first photo of this post). Apparently, weather conditions and the previous year's pruning combined to bring out their best.
Best wishes for Americans celebrating Memorial Day, and happy new season transitions to all!