Garden blooms are gone and foliage is fading in my neighborhood, but a few fruits remain here and there. Some will last through the winter, while others offer happy feasts for birds and critters as winter's cold, icy claw will soon grip the landscape.
As I glance around the garden, the berries, drupes, pomes and other fruits catch my eye amidst the brown and gray of "once lush" trees, shrubs, and forbs. I'll refer you to a list of types of fruits for proper identification.
Can you identify what types of fruits (berries, drupes, pomes, hesperidia, other) are shown here?:

Cranberrybush Viburnum (V. trilobum)

Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina)

Pachysandra (P. terminalis)

Yew (Taxis canadensis)

Crabapples (unknown Malus cultivar)

Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis)
Those are a few of the outdoor fruits; here are two I overwinter in the sunroom:

Developing Fuchsia fruit (F. 'Marinka')

Meyer Lemon (Citrus x meyeri)
Can you correctly classify these fruits? What fruits are growing and ripening in your garden?
[Disclaimer: Not all of the fruits shown here are edible to humans! Research before you consume the parts of any unfamiliar plant!]