Dear Friends:
I'm focusing on hopeful things. In June, gardeners will gather in Madison for the
Garden Bloggers' Fling, and I'm on the planning committee! The Fling is a meet-up of garden social media communicators that has been held annually since 2008 (except for a two-year hiatus because of COVID). In addition to garden bloggers, others who can attend include YouTubers, vloggers, Instagrammers, and podcasters...basically, anyone with an online, regularly updated, public outlet for sharing gardening content.
The dates this year are Thursday, June 23, through Sunday, June 26, and you can learn more and register here:
Fling registration.
I may be a little distracted in the weeks ahead as we close in on the event.
In addition to Fling planning, my focus now is on the spring garden, my indoor potted plants, and signs of new life, new hope, and new blooms.