Do you grow Fuchsias in your garden? They've been a mainstay in my garden for oh, so many years--particularly at our current location where we've lived for more than 20 years. Fuchsias like shade, and we certainly have plenty of that with our huge, old Oaks.

I've tried so many varieties of Fuchsias over the years and I've loved all of them, but there are two that are so special, I've taken to overwintering and dividing them for the next growing season. Fuchsias overwinter well in a bright, heated room with indirect light. I simply lightly water them a couple of times a week. To expand the collection, I clip the vines about halfway, and either root them in water first or simply place them in soil and water liberally for the first couple of weeks.
The two I personally enjoy the most are Fuchsia 'Autumnale' and Fuchsia 'Marinka.'

Autumnale has the most exquisite variegated foliage that changes with the seasons and the light. Yes, it's beautiful and appropriate in the fall, but it's fabulous year round. This is a new variety for me, as I bought it last summer for my mom, so I'll always think of her with this one. When she passed, I took cuttings from her pots to bring home. It was lovely through the autumn, planted with ornamental kale.

I'm finding that it's performing quite well in pots in the sunroom this winter and multiplying from cuttings. I should have plenty for new outdoor potted arrangements come May. Autumnale's flowers are similar to those of Marinka, shown below.

Yes, Markina is a long-time favorite! Such a hummingbird magnet, the flowers are lush and lovely, and the berries are large and juicy. (Did you know that Fuchsia berries are edible? They're delicious popped on top of a salad, or mixed with other berries!)

Here's Marinka in the sunroom, with ripening berries and healthy vines. With summer sun, the plants will bloom profusely again very soon.
If you like Fuchsias, consider overwintering a few for fun and to save some money for next year's garden!