For the past several years, I've created lists of my favorite garden and nature "things" to celebrate as one year passes to the next. They help me appreciate each moment and each season in its time.
Thomas More wisely said, "The soul cannot thrive in the absence of a garden. If you don't want paradise, you are not human; and if you are not human, you don't have a soul." I certainly find an indication of paradise in the garden and in nature. In that spirit, I contemplated simple gardening and nature joys of this year that I look forward to in the months ahead.

In January, while much of the landscape will be dormant and covered with snow, the mosses will continue to fascinate--especially the ones that grow on the sides of the rock wall.

The days lengthen in February, and if I'm lucky I'll catch a few stunning sunsets down by the lake and elsewhere.

The first sturdy spring-flowering bulbs will poke through the leaf mulch sometime in March.

In April, the crabapple blossoms will explode with heavenly scents and delightful beauty.

May is the month of the woodland ephemerals, including the tiny pink-pollened Spring Beauties (Claytonia virginica).

Early in June, I'm likely to see the first Monarch butterflies of the season!

What could be sweeter than a July day filled with Coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea) and bumblebees?

Sometime in August, the Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) plants will reach their peak bloom--filling the air with the scent of vanilla and attracting more bees and butterflies.

In September, the side garden will burst with late-summer blooms.

October will be bright with blooms and fiery foliage.

In November, my garden will move indoors, but the little joys will continue as long as there are plants to tend.

As December ends the year, tiny buds of promise on Clematis 'Nelly Moser' will offer hope for the next season.
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When I think of these simple pleasures, and many more, the year ahead looks brighter. Each month carries its own unique, simple blessings.
My wish for you in the year ahead is that you'll find many "favorite things" and gifts that will bring you much joy.
Happy New Year!