July 01, 2024

Garden Miscellany in a Vase on Monday

vase 1

Here we are at the start of July, and the garden is full of choices for vases. Just on a whim, I toured around and grabbed elements that caught my eye. They're not necessarily elements I'd usually pot together, but they seem to work.

Lilium 2

The Lily hybrids (Lilium spp.) are beginning to bloom, including this magenta one that serves as an anchor for the arrangement.

Lilium 1

The ivory Lilies are great fillers, and oh so healthy.


I added several foliage items. The mixed Calla Lilies (Zantedeschia spp.) are finished blooming for now, but the foliage is great for framing potted arrangements.

Matteuccia struthiopteris

I inserted an Ostrich Fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris) branch, but it didn't last long--I guess they aren't the best for cut arrangements. It worked for a few hours.

Hypoestes phyllostachya

Also, a pot of Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya) needed thinning and complimented the Calla Lily foliage, so the cut branches were perfect for the arrangement.

Hosta buds

Hosta flowers are budding and beginning to bloom: I think this might just be my favorite stage with this genus.

Allium sphaerocephalon

Drumstick Alliums (A. sphaerocephalon) are dotting the potager garden, and I picked one for a quick focal point in the arrangement. Maybe I'll add a couple more on the sides.

Heliopsis helianthoides

False Sunflowers (Heliopsis helianthoides) add a golden touch and tie in some of the brighter elements.

Echinacea purpurea

Purple Coneflowers (Echinacea purpurea), a pollinator favorite, are just starting their months-long display.

Zinnia 'zowie'

And, finally, 'Zowie! Yellow Flame' Zinnias (Z. elegans) carry over the bright gold and reddish highlights from some of the other blooms.

vase 2

In different light and minus the fern frond...I expect this little composite will last a few days and brighten its little corner.

I'm linking in with Cathy's In a Vase on Monday meme over at Rambling in the Garden. Head on over to see some amazing arrangements.


  1. Oh Beth. I love this view of your garden in a vase. The foliage makes it really pop! Beautiful.

    1. Hi Donna: It's a good year for so many plants because of all the warmth and rain. Very encouraging. And it's hard to pick items for pots...such a change from the other seasons. ;-)

  2. Nice to see Summer blooms nicely set off by its ruff of fine foliage: thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes, the summer, and this one in particular, offers so many options for cut flowers. :)

  3. Nice to see your lovely summer flowers including that zinnia, all set off by perfect foliage,

    1. Hi Noelle: It's so fun to arrange flowers and other elements when the options are so plentiful. Have a great week, and thanks for stopping by!

  4. I love all the polka dot foliage, Beth. It makes a great background for you pretty flowers.

    1. Hi Kris: It was kind of an accident, because I simply walked around and clipped plants and blooms for various reasons. But it seems to have worked. Great time of year with so many options! :)

  5. zonethreegardenlife.blogJuly 1, 2024 at 12:30 PM

    Those leaves! Stunning.

    1. Thanks! Yes, the foliage is almost/as fun as the flowers this time. ;-)

  6. I love that ivory lily, Beth, and what a great addition the calla leaf is - I miss arum leaves at this time of year for their vase potential, but the calla would fill that gap beautifully. Great to see the hosta bloom too - they are so easily overlooked, but are very pretty and often have a fragrance too

    1. Hi Cathy: Yes, it was fun to have so many options, and I so love Lilies, Callas, and...all the items that are blooming/thriving now. I think this early stage of the Hosta buds/blooms is prettier than when they're full and then when they're fading.

  7. Individually the items might clash but you have arranged them to look fantastic. You have the eye of an artist.

    1. Thank you, Jeannie. It was an experiment, but I think it worked OK. Some of the blooms/plants wilted and have been removed, but some are still going strong . :)

  8. Happy July... and that is beautiful!! :-)

  9. Ohh, gorgeous. I love the coarse textures of the lilies and calla foliage with some great spots of color. Happy 4th, Amelia

    1. Hi Amelia: The Calla foliage is great and it's still fresh today, as are the Lilies. Happy 4th!

  10. How lovely Beth! Putting all those summer flowers together is like bringing the garden indoors. The foliage you used is really pretty too.

    1. Thanks. :) That's a great way to describe it, Cathy. The foliage was calling out to me to be part of the grouping.

  11. "Zowie" is a good name for the whole arrangement--fabulous! The foliage really makes it.

    1. Thanks. I love the name and the colors and form of that Zinnia. And it provides great cut flowers from June through early October. The foliage for this just seemed to make sense. :)

  12. Such a beautiful display Beth! I love the combination of blooms and foliage too! Happy July!

    1. Hi Lee: Happy 4th! Thanks; it was fun to pull together. :)

  13. I think my favorite thing about the calla lily is its foliage. The streaking, like shooting stars, or foliar fireworks, provides a perfect backdrop for your bouquet.

    1. Hi Jerry: Sorry for the late reply...working through comments. :) I love both the flowers and the foliage of the Calla Lilies. I need to remember to use the foliage in arrangements more often.

  14. Lovely leaves that make your flowers sing!


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