July 31, 2024

Wordless Wednesday: Eight Weeks of Growth

potted plants
Top: 7/31
Bottom: 6/6


  1. Your containers look great, Beth. Your garden clearly likes summer! My garden tends to rapidly fry in response to the soaring temperatures.

    1. Thanks, Kris. There are more, but it's hard to get a shot with all of them together. I've barely had to water the garden or the containers this summer because we've had so much rain. Crazy!

  2. I love before and after pictures. What a difference two months makes. Keep taking pictures I would love to see the changes again.

    1. It's amazing how fast things grow in the summer. I'll check these particular pots again in late September to see how different they are. I do move things around a bit, but the larger ones stay in place. :)

  3. I'd say those plants have performed! So bright and cheery--perfect for summer! Tina

    1. Hey Tina: Yes, they've grown and filled in. I tend to plant these pots with similar plants most years. It seems to be a good spot for plants that like dappled shade/sun.

  4. Impressive! Do you feed them?

    1. Hi Lisa: Actually, generally I do not use much fertilizer on these pots...and not at all this year. I guess the soil, the weather, and the location are to their liking. We've had so much rain this summer!

  5. Perfect! (a nearly wordless Comment ;)

    1. Tee hee. It's amazing how fast things grow during the summer. :)

  6. Wonderful splash of summer! Rain...it's magic.

    1. Yes, too much rain in low-lying areas. Luckily the pots drain, and lately it's been warm enough for the rain to be soaked up quickly. The plants are happy. :)

  7. Magic! Amazing what warmth and rain can do. I am definitely envious. The foliage of some of your coleus appear to have changed a little bit in color over time. How interesting!

    1. Thanks, Jerry. Indeed, warmth and rain...so much rain...have made it feel and perform like the tropics here this summer. I see what you mean about the changing patterns and colors. Some of it is probably due to rotating some of the pots; some is just change, I guess. :)


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