May 27, 2024

A Simple Vase for Memorial Day


Since today's In a Vase on Monday meme falls on U.S. Memorial Day, I thought I'd aim for red, white, and blue.

Weigela florida

The red was easy, because the Weigela shrub (W. florida) is currently blooming.

Weigela shrub

I don't remember which hybrid this is, but it's been a reliable spring-blooming shrub for many years.

Maianthemum racemosum

Also blooming are the native False Solomon's Seal (Maianthemum racemosum) plants, not quite white but close. They're welcome bright bloomers in the woodland, and they have a long vase life.

Iris sibirica1

The blue was a little trickier. I used a blue vase, but the closest blue-blooming flower was the Siberian Iris (I. sibirica), which is actually a violet-blue. But again, close enough. I picked it as a bud and...

Iris sibirica2

...a couple days later it's blooming.


Wishing warm thoughts for Memorial Day to those who celebrate, and thanks to Cathy at Rambling in the Garden for hosting In a Vase on Monday!


  1. Perfection for Memorial Day. That Weigela is stunning. Have a fabulous week Beth!

    1. Thanks. :) I should have spent a little more time on the hunt and the arrangement, but they do the trick, I guess. The Weigela has been a reliable spring-blooming shrub for so many years; I sort of take it for granted. But the color is great.

  2. That weigela is such a pretty colour, and I had forgotten what a useful plant it can be in spring. I don't know your white element, but I am so pleaed your iris opened for you - but I love the photo of the bid unfurling

    1. Yes, the Weigela is bright and reliable, so I'm happy we have it. The others are reliable, too. :)

  3. What a great combination of flowers to mark the holiday, Beth! I adore that Weigela.

    1. Thanks. Yes, the Weigela was an easy choice. The color is bright and it's such a reliable bloomer. The vase life isn't bad, either. :)

    2. Gorgeous weigelia, I haven't seen one in years, lovely. Siberian Iris is also an old favorite. Happy Memorial Day! Amelia

    3. Hi Amelia: Yes, the Amelia has been a reliable garden element for many years now. I love the structure and format of the Siberian Irises. :)

  4. Replies
    1. It's fun to try to match the occasion. Hope you had a pleasant Memorial Day, Janet. :)

  5. Very nice! The blue(?) vase counts as blue too, but the Iris is a winner. I've never seen a Weigela--looks like a lovely flowering shrub.

    1. Thanks! I guess I take the Weigela for granted; we've had it for so long. It reliably blooms every spring, after a light pruning in early summer.

  6. A beautiful vase in the colors of the day, Beth. My vase had to sort of fudge the blue, too... not too many navy blue flowers out there! Eliza

    1. Thanks, Eliza. Yes, the blue was tricky. I have some light blue flowers, but they aren't blooming right now, and it seemed like dark blue/navy would be better. :)

  7. A beautiful Memorial Day display, Beth. I especially admire iris blooms when I see them - that's a flower I can't grow here as our climate is too warm.

    1. Oh, that's too bad, Jo. I would miss the Irises. They're such beautiful transition blooms from spring to summer.

  8. A lovely boliday vase. What a beautiful Weigela!

    1. Thanks, Cathy. I kind of plopped it in there, but the colors were close. ;-) The Weigela is a reliable bloomer this time of year.

  9. Happy Memorial day, and well done on a lovely arrangement.

    1. Thank you. I think you're in the U.K.? I hope you're having a lovely transition from spring to summer. :)

  10. A beautiful flower tribute to our men and women who sacrificed all. Thank you Beth.
    I created a bouquet to leave at the cemetery yesterday, but I did not have any red. I used iris, lily of the valley and ferns and tied with a red, white and blue ribbon.

    1. Hi Carla: I think about passed veterans on Memorial Day. Your bouquet sounds lovely. :)

  11. A beautiful combination, love the weigela!

  12. What a beautiful way to celebrate Memorial Day by creating a lovely arrangement!

    Our family celebration was sidetracked when Son #1 had a flat tire on the way here and was missing a tool in his trunk so couldn't change it. His brother jumped in his car (carrying our tools) and rushed to the roadside (70 miles away) to help him. Needless to say, our picnic was cancelled.

    I think your way of celebrating is much better than ours!

    1. Oh dear, sorry to hear about the car troubles. I hope your family plans for the weeks ahead will proceed unhindered and that you'll have a wonderful summer!

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you, Lea. It's wonderful to have plentiful blooms and other elements for arrangements. :)


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