Do you find yourself complaining about winter when it drags on past January? I have to be honest: I do. But Jen at Muddy Boot Dreams and a group of like-minded garden bloggers are asking us to suspend the crabbing, at least for one day each week this winter.
Their theme this week is "structures in winter." And gosh, structure is so easy to spot without the distraction of foliage and flowers.
Whether we're talking the structure of snowmobile and ATV tracks on an ice- and snow-covered lake;
or the structure of that same ice/snow layer exposed at the edge of the beach;
or the man-made structures brightening winter trails...they're all eye-catching in the stark winter landscape.
I have to admit, I've been less than excited about photographing my own garden this winter. I guess I have a bit of cabin fever. So it was good to head over to the lake this past weekend.
On Saturday, the air temperature was in the mid 20sF (-3C to -4C). After the arctic blast we had last week, the weekend weather felt balmy and springlike--perfect for celebrating the beauty of winter.
And taking a walk out on the lake.
Don't worry, the ice was very thick as you can see from this picture near the shore. An ATV almost went through the ice the next day...but that was out in the middle of the lake where the ice was much thinner.
Anyway, I enjoyed seeing the ice shacks lined up across the lake, and hearing the ice expand and contract along the shore.
And then I took a short hike.
It's always a pleasure to see the bright red of the Black Raspberry canes and the Red Twig Dogwood, and the bright blue sky.
And the ice shacks like happy flags celebrating the joy of winter sport.
I waved goodbye...
Watched the afternoon sun lower in the bright sky...
And said a prayer of thanks for the bright beauty of winter. No whining...just simple gratitude. No more cabin least for one day.
To find out more about the "No Winter Whining" meme, visit the group's Facebook page. And add your own link!