March 24, 2025

Indoor/Outdoor Blooms in a Vase

Vase 2

The weather is slowly warming, and a few things are blooming or just about to bloom outdoors. The day I gathered flowers for this little vase, however, it was chilly, and I clipped a few things quickly. I added a couple of companions from the sunroom for color and effect.

Vase 1

It's a cute little collection for a bud vase.

Gerbera jamesonii

The Gerbera Daisy (G. jamesonii) forms the colorful focal point.


This Daffodil (Narcissus) bud and foliage from the garden give it structure and height. Very soon, many of these bright spring beauties will be blooming all over the garden.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Flaming Katy (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana), another sunroom sample, adds bright and cheery highlights.

Galanthus nivalis 'Flore Pleno'

And Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis 'Flore Pleno') add bright, white edging to the rim.

Vase 3

It's a cheery little arrangement.

Head on over to Cathy's Rambling in the Garden to see more floral arrangements, or to join in the "In a Vase on Monday" meme!


  1. Cheery, Indeed! I love your fancy Snowdrops. Have good week Beth.

    1. Happy spring, Susie! Snowdrops are cheery transitions from winter to spring, aren't they?

  2. That is indeed a sweet arrangement, Beth! I have a hard time keeping Gerberas going, both in the house and outdoors in the summer. I can't seem to get the moisture levels right. And I never thought of clipping kalanchoe to use in a vase; you'll have to let me know how well it works and how long it lasts!

    1. Hi Kimberley: The Gerberas seem to like the sunroom, which stays cool but not freezing (it's heated) through the winter. I'm not sure if I'm giving them the right watering schedule, but I generally water lightly twice a week. Re: the Kalanchoes, I don't think I've used them in arrangements previously either, but they're going on five days now and they're still bright and happy.

  3. That really is cheery Beth! The Gerbera is gorgeous and the snowdrops too!

    1. It's a perky little combo. I'm enjoying it during this transition time. :)

  4. So cute! I love the fluffy snowdrops :)

    1. Thanks. :) The Snowdrops have really multiplied in the location where I have them. I need to divide them for display in other areas.

  5. It's a sweet arrangement, Beth! I'm glad you're getting your spring on ;) I love Gerbera but for some reason they're magnets of mildew here.

    1. Thanks, Kris. Yes, spring is wavering from day to day, but we're on track for many more blooms and more warmth in the next few days. The Gerberas seem happy in the sunroom during the winter, and then they bloom for a few weeks during early summer. I don't think they like our hot, humid July and August, or maybe it's just natural for them to go dormant during the hottest months. Actually, I just read that they prefer temps of 40-70, which makes sense. We mainly have highs from 75-95 during the summer.

  6. What a curious mix, Beth - to me it seems strange to have daffodils and snowdrops flowering at the same time, and then the gerbera shouts 'summer' to me!! But the gerbera is in your sunroom, you say - does it flower throughout the year for you? It is so easy to forget indoor plants to use in vases, both flower (except perhaps for spring bulbs) and foliage, so thanks for reminding us with your sweet little vase

    1. Yes, the combo is not one I would usually think of either. It just happened to combine the blooms I noticed outside and inside. There are more things blooming outside now, and there will, of course, be many more in the days and weeks ahead. :) Re: The Gerbera, it blooms in the sunroom during the winter, and then for a few weeks after I take the pots outside in May. I don't think it likes our hot, humid summer days, as I mentioned to Kris.

  7. Beautiful ... still thinking spring here ... it snowed over night. ;-)

    1. Thanks, Carla. We've been going back and forth with temps, but we haven't had much precipitation--a little rain but not enough. Hopefully, we'll get more rain and more warmth in the days ahead. Hope your snow is melted.

  8. A very pretty arrangement, lots of color and form. I love that second photo, in particular. It looks like the daisy is saying a springy 'hi' to us! Happy Spring to you! Tina

    1. Hi Tina: Thank you. :) Yes, the Daisy is a happy little buddy. Cheers for spring!

  9. Flaming Katie! I love it. And it is a cute little arrangement. Happy Spring. Amelia

    1. Thank you, Amelia. More and more things are blooming outside, and soon it will be consistently "warm." Yay.

  10. What a lovely combination of cheerful flowers. I’m sure they must brighten up the dullest of days, Beth. The petticoat arrangement of snowdrops is wonderful.

    1. Yes, the flowers are helping with the smiles. And many more plants are blooming or about to bloom outdoors. Happy spring!

  11. Wow now that is a statement for spring!

    1. Looking forward to more blooms and fun foliage for both of us. :)

  12. Lovely to see your snowdrops Beth - mine have now all gone over. Enjoy seeing your garden come to life as the temperature rises.

    1. Snowdrops bring bright hope, don't they? We've had an extended period of cold but not brutal weather, so they've been blooming for a long time. So many plants are on the verge of emerging and/or blooming.


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