August 26, 2023

Six on Saturday...With Pollinators

Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sensation Mix'
Cosmos bipinnatus 'Sensation Mix'

It's time for Six on Saturday, hosted by Garden Ruminations. To participate, we highlight six things of note in our gardens. I thought it would be fun to take a quick walk around the garden and capture plants with pollinators on them. My first find was 'Sensation Mix' Cosmos, with a happy little resting bumble bee.

Rosa x 'Boznatafra'
Rosa x 'Boznatafra'

Next, a tiny fly on Flavorette Honey-Apricot Rose.

Asclepias incarnata
Asclepias incarnata

Toward the end of the summer, there are fewer monarch eggs and caterpillars on the Swamp Milkweed, but the flies are plentiful.

Heliopsis helianthoides
Heliopsis helianthoides

The False Sunflowers are favorites of the goldenrod soldier beetles.

Lycoris squamigera
Lycoris squamigera

This hoverfly was happily hanging out on the Surprise Lilies.

Tithonia rotundifolia 'goldfinger'
Tithonia rotundifolia 'Goldfinger'

And another favorite of the goldenrod soldier beetles: 'Goldfinger' Mexican Sunflowers.

There were many more blooms and many more pollinators, of course, but these caught my eye during a quick walk-around. Head on over to Garden Ruminations to see more Six on Saturday posts from around the world.


  1. Love your flowers with pollinators! They love a lot of the more open daisy flowers. 😘🌼

    1. It sure is fascinating and fun to observe them on the flowers. :)

  2. Finding a bee sleeping on the job always makes me smile. That soldier beetle matches the Heliopsis so perfectly it looks like they were designed for one another!

    1. Oh, I agree. The little buddy looked so comfy. The GS beetles are so plentiful here this time of year. I think they're beautiful and fun to watch.

  3. Lovely flowers showing off the pollinators who love them.

    1. Thank you. It was a fun and interesting walk-around. :)

  4. I love how you have captured all those insects, I have trouble getting a photo of a static flower!

    1. Thanks. Believe me, some of them didn't cooperate, so I had lots of dud photos I couldn't use. LOL.

  5. The pollinators are wonderful but it’s the rose I’m lusting after.

    1. Yes, that Flavorette Honey-Apricot Rose is special. It's edible, too. I tasted the petals; slightly sweet...they'd be great on a salad. The scent is wonderful! It's available online now, and will be available at garden centers next year. :)

  6. Your pollinators look well care for Beth. Loved each photo. The Tithonia is beautiful.

    1. They seem to like the garden. :) I'm happy that the Tithonia is doing well this year. It wasn't as happy last year.

  7. What a lovely set of photos. I particularly like that gorgeous rose! Well done on capturing all those pollinators on the flowers.

    1. Thank you, Catherine. That rose is new; it's available online and will be available at garden stores next spring. It's edible and has a lovely scent. :)

  8. It is a party for the pollinators with all those blooms! Such a pretty assortment. What a great idea, I did manage to get a picture of a preying mantis on one of the orchids yesterday - I'll try for more.

    1. Oh, praying mantises are fascinating! On an orchid! Nice. So many fascinating and beautiful life forms in the garden. :)

  9. Hi Beth,
    I always enjoy seeing a post in my inbox from you. Your flowers make me smile and your pollinators do too!
    We have a lot of soldier beetles this season. The most I have ever seen.
    And I am happy to say I saw a true ladybug today on my kale. Eat those aphids my dear little ladybug.

    1. Awww, you're sweet. I love the goldenrod soldier beetles...they're so unique and harmless. Yay, ladybugs, too!

  10. Looks like you have a pollinator pow-wow! Your choices of plants are excellent and I'm pretty sure the critters agree with me! Nice post, Beth. Tina

    1. Hi Tina: The pollinators seem happy. We're in a drought, but I'm watering the key parts of the garden and some plants are OK with minimal water. So they'll always have resources here...until the frost and the winter.

  11. Wonderful photos! Such a double treat with flowers and pollinators! That's a different kind of soldier beetle from mine.

    1. Thanks, Lisa. The goldenrod soldier beetles are so plentiful here this time of year. So fun to observe. :)

  12. A very fine Six, providing beauty as well as supporting some quite interesting insects. Love the Lycoris with the light shining through it. --hb (having trouble posting comments)

    1. Hello HB: I'll take that as a name...thanks, it helps me to know your comment is from a real person. Thanks for your kind comment, too. Sorry for the trouble; I don't know what's up with Blogger and the other platforms, but they're making it more difficult for folks to participate. I really appreciate it! The Lycoris is a star of the garden in late August. :)

  13. Nice captures, Beth! I'm eagerly awaiting for my tithonia to bloom--the butterflies really love it! I've seen the goldenrod soldier beetles around, but never knew what they were, so you've taught me something today, too!

    1. Thank you, Kimberley. I love the Tithonia, and I'm glad it's having a good year. The GRS beetles are great return visitors every year. Such fun, little, harmless buddies to observe. :)

  14. The goldenrod soldier beetles are quite attractive. Always interesting to see something from the beetle family foraging around on flowers. That Tithonia is so bright, I'm tempted to start some next year from seed.

    1. Yes, the beetles are fun garden visitors every late summer/early fall. The Tithonia seems to have good years and not-so-good years in my garden. This is a good one. :)

  15. You are amazing. You not only have pretty flowers, you know how to show them up - beautifully!

    1. Why thank you, Pat. The blooms take all the credit. This time of year is special. :)

  16. It is fun to see all the pollinators loving on your garden.


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