April 22, 2012

A greeting for this special day


  1. Very pretty plant post card for this day !

    1. Thanks, Joy! I discovered a new site: www.photovisi.com. You can pick several different templates, add your photos, move things around, save the design, and then add more to it with your own photo editing software.

  2. Thank you! I hope you had a good time in the garden.

    1. Yes, I did mess around a little bit in the dirt yesterday. ;-) But it's still kind of chilly, so I'm looking forward to some warmer days. It's looking like our April will be colder than March--which the meteorologist says has never happened before in my part of the state.

  3. Very creative! Hope you had a nice Earth Day too.

    1. Thanks, Donna. I bet you would like www.photovisi.com, too. It provides some simple templates, and then you can edit them as you wish.


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