December 15, 2024

December Blooms

Fuchsia 'Marinka'

It's Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, and I was happy to see a few plants in the sunroom are cooperating. While I have some dried flowers, too, these are the "live" plants currently blooming. First is the Fuchsia (F. hybrida 'Marinka'), which is budding, blooming, and fruiting.

Gerbera jamesonii

Next, the Gerbera Daisy (G. jamesonii): It seems early for this friend to be starting to bloom, but it certainly brightens these December days.

Oxalis vulcanicola 'Zinfandel'

Finally, the yellow Oxalis (O. vulcanicola 'Zinfandel'), which blooms year-round...outdoors from May through early October, and indoors through the other months. Its foliage is as striking as its flowers. A few other indoor plants are beginning to bud, but I'll include them next month.

Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!


  1. Beth, your sunroom flowers are lovely, I was wondering if the Gerberas are easy to grow? I've never tried them.

    1. Thank you, Elena! Yes, the Gerberas are very easy. I just keep them in the same pot year-round (inside from October through April). They grow in partial shade during the summer. They seem to bloom mainly in the spring and sometimes in the summer and fall. But I don't remember them starting their blooms and new growth at this time of year before. It's a nice surprise!

  2. Gerberas in December are remarkable anywhere, Beth! Happy GBBD!

    1. Happy GBBD, Kris! Yes, I was very surprised to see the new blooms starting. I don't remember that happening before.

  3. I did a double take when I saw that gerbera daisy. I first thought it's a new cultivar or something!

    1. I was surprised, too. I've had this plant for many years, and I don't remember it ever blooming in December...maybe late January and definitely February through early summer. Nice surprise. :)

  4. Beautiful, and so interesting to see the young Gerbera Daisy. I'd only seen it fully grown.

    1. Thanks, Lara. It's fun to see the Gerberas when they start to bud and bloom from the base. They're such great cut flowers, too, aren't they?

  5. Always enjoy a photo of 'Marinka'. Such a cute Fuchsia. I'm thinking I should give up on mine--they just don't like the summer here. :(

    Not surprised seeing the Gerbera, mine wake up about this time and are flowering again. They are winter-into-early-summer bloomers here, mostly. Very impressive to see them doing well in your colder climate!

    I'm wondering about the Memphis Fling--worried to be honest how hot it is going to be in TN in June. We had one day of 80F in Seattle and I was struggling. Also no direct flights from my local airport--always a consideration.

    1. Yes, 'Marinka' is a favorite, for sure. I've had two hanging baskets of them for many years. The Gerbera Daisy loves it outside in the summer here, and seems to be OK during the winter inside the sunroom. Re: the Fling...80F sounds wonderful to me, but I prefer warm weather. We are usually 80s and 90s in the summer here, so Memphis in June should be OK for me. I don't have direct flights from Madison, either, so I'll probably have to connect through Chicago or another larger airport. Hope to see you at the Memphis Fling!

  6. Thank you Beth for sharing your blooms. :-) Since I met you, I have been wintering my over my fuchsia... and it is blooming too.

    1. Hey Carla: Good to hear your Fuchsia is surviving indoors, too. They are such lovely plants, for so many reasons, aren't they? :)

  7. A few bright spots for December! I didn't bother posting mine. All soggy and tattered looking.

    1. I don't have many blooms to share, either, but having any in December is a thrill. ;-) I love my sunroom.

  8. The Fuchsia is amazing to be fruiting! I'm particularly taken with the Oxalis, though. That deep purple with the sunny yellow is a real winning combination. Happy blooms--and Holidays--to you, Beth. Tina

    1. Hi Tina: The Fuchsia always has some fruits to share from its autumn blooms. But it's fun when it has buds, blooms, and flowers at the same December. :) I love the Oxalis. Happy Holidays to you, too!

  9. Lovely blooms Beth. Nice to have some to carry through winter.

    1. This time of year, it's encouraging to at least have something blooming. ;-) Happy Holidays!

  10. Your sunroom plants are so lovely. I especially love the Gerbera Daisy starting to bloom!

    1. Hi Lee: Thanks! It's a joy to have any blooms this time of year--inside or out. :)

  11. I’ve always loved the bright oxalis blooms at greenhouses I visit in winter. That’s a pretty image of it!

    1. Thanks! I love Oxalis plants, too. The foliage and the blooms are equally pretty and fun. :)

  12. I wouldn't have guessed that was a Gerbera! It looks so adorable all tightly woven up like that. Happy New Year :)

    1. It's still pretty tightly arranged--the sunroom is none too warm...just enough to keep the plants alive. As the days grow longer, more will bloom. :)


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