October 21, 2024

Last Blooms Before the Frost?

Mixed Bouquet 1

My area had a light frost last week. I gathered plentiful flowers and foliage, thinking it might be my last vase with "fresh" elements for the season.

But here in the woods, on the hill, near the lake most of the plants remain untouched and growing strong!

The vases in this post were compiled last Tuesday; some are still looking fresh almost a week later. And there are more thriving blooms and plants in the garden. Yay!


The first vase pictured at the top includes Cosmos (C. bipinnatus 'Sensation Mix');

Dusty Miller

Dusty Miller (Jacobaea maritima);

Weigela Foliage

Weigela foliage (W. florida);

Hydrangea Invincibelle Lace

Fading Hydrangea blooms (H. arborescens subsp. radiata 'Invincibelle Lace');

Zinnia State Fair

'State Fair Mix' Zinnias (Z. elegans); and

Zinnia Zowie

'Zowie! Yellow Flame' Zinnias (Z. elegans).

Zowie Baby

I put a little 'Zowie!' in a bud vase in the restroom.

Mums on Top

I also added a pot of mixed elements on the wicker shelf.


It includes Mums (Chrysanthemum morifolium, unknown hybrid);

Mums Vase

Some Cosmos blooms and foliage (C. bipinnatus 'Sensation Mix') in the middle; and 

Weigela With Mums

More Weigela foliage (W. florida).

Mums Hat

A few cuttings of the Mums created a classy hat for my lady bud vase.

Mixed Bouquet 2

As it turns out, more of these elements remain in the garden, so I'll have new cuttings and fun in the week ahead.

Head on over to Cathy's 'In a Vase on Monday' meme at Rambling in the Garden to see more beautiful vases.


  1. Beautiful arrangements and your vases are classics! 💕 Eliza

    1. Thanks, Eliza. I had so many elements to work with. The season is winding down, but every week of blooms is appreciated!

  2. Oh Beth this is stunning. Frothy blooms that spill out everywhere. Lots of flowering goodness in your garden. Glad you avoided frost. None here yet even though they called for it. I think the woods and wind countered it for me.

    1. Thanks, Donna. :) Some folks in the area had frost, but we seem a little protected, so the season stretches a little longer. More Zinnias, Cosmos, and others to come...

  3. Nearly a week in the vase already - that's wonderful - and indeed my ruby chrysanthemums from last week are still just as lovely. It sounds as if you may still have plenty of blooms to come, but are you saying frost could now wipe them out at any time? I love those pale pink chrysanthemums and your lady vase - I definitely want one of those!!

    1. Hi Cathy: Yes, we're having some mild days, but a couple of nights next week look cold again, so we'll see... The little lady head vase is definitely a favorite. She has so much personality. :)

  4. I love that elegant white vase, Beth, and of course the flowers you found to fill it. The pink chrysanthemums are pretty too, making an attractive hat piece befitting the lady's contemplative gaze.

    1. The big, white ceramic vase has served me well. It has a nice shape for foliage surrounding the flowers. The Mums seem to last so long, as do the Zinnias and Coleus. :)

    2. Beautiful, Beth. I love your cosmos and zinnias. I have to look for the zinnia varieties, I haven't tried those. Weigelia looks wonderful as the foliage accents and love the head - again. Amelia theshrubqueen.

    3. Thanks, Amelia. :) Yes, the Cosmos and Zinnias are all-time favorites for growing from seed and harvesting from June through October.


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