September 23, 2024

Quick Cuttings in Vases on Monday

mexican sunflower 1
Mexican Sunflowers (Tithonia rotundifolia 'Goldfinger')

It's the end of the summer (happy autumn!), but the flowers are still bright and perky. I must admit I've been plopping elements into vases quickly, without a lot of planning, for various reasons.

arrangement 1

This particular vase (above) was a composite of quick clippings from the garden. I wasn't thinking much of it, but then the Fishman mentioned he liked it. And the more I thought about it, the more I appreciated its less-than-perfect blooms and its scruffy appearance: sort of emblematic of the changing seasons.

dusty miller

It includes foliage from Dusty Miller (Centaurea cineraria)...


'Zowie! Yellow Flame' Zinnias (Z. elegans)...


'Sensation Mix' Cosmos (C. bipinnatus) foliage...

false sunflower

And some very scruffy False Sunflowers (Heliopsis helianthoides).

arrangement 3

Another recent arrangement includes blooms from Mixed Zinnias, Blue Mistflowers (Conoclinium coelestinum), 'Sensation Mix' Cosmos (C. bipinnatus), 'Invincibelle Lace' Hydrangea (H. arborescens subsp. radiata), and Hydrangea foliage (H. macrophylla).

arrangement 2

Similar, in a different vase; some white mixed in with the blue Conoclinium coelestinum.

mexican sunflower 2

Sometimes the simple things are the sweetest. Our recent windstorm blew over the Mexican Sunflowers (Tithonia rotundifolia 'Goldfinger'), so I clipped the flowers and gave this little miss a colorful hat.

Do you have some arrangements to share? Head on over to Cathy's 'In a Vase on Monday' meme at Rambling in the Garden.

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