January 05, 2022

Wordless Wednesday: January Fen

(Click on image to enlarge.)


  1. Brown may not be your favorite color but the dried plants due look striking against the snow! Warmer and sunnier days and greenery will be here in no time, Beth ;)

    1. There are so many shades of brown, aren't there? It was interesting to see the reddish hues of the perennial stems and seeds in the foreground. It's hard to capture in the photo, but the lake beyond beckons across the fen. Lovely little spot that I only discovered a couple of years ago.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, we've had some cold days and nights, haven't we? This was yesterday when it wasn't too bad, but today the wind was awful. Wind and sun can make such a big difference, and so can a warm parka and other gear. ;-)

  3. I love the tree branches reaching in the sky.

    1. Yes, it's much more impressive and lovely in person, of course. ;-) The trees so beautifully frame the channel and the lake in the distance. The lake is easier to see in the winter.

  4. Brrr, this looks cold. I have been seeing on the weather that your area is getting some real wintery cold and possibly snow. Stay warm.

    1. Believe it or not, it wasn't too bad the day of the photo (31F and not too windy). We haven't had much snow--only about 2-3 inches on the ground. I think the Chicago area has more. We've been very cold on and off, but it could be so much worse and has been in other years. So...20s and 30s, with a few colder days and nights in between...it's not fun, but it's doable. LOL.

  5. I saw a shade of red in those stems too! I love looking at all that space. Thanks for reminding me there is Wordless Wednesday!

    1. You are welcome. :) Yes, the dried stems have shades of rusty red, especially in the oblique light of winter. This fen is really special, in all seasons.

  6. Beautiful...and cold! Lovely photos, Beth.

    1. Thank you. It hasn't been too bad...for us. I remember years and stretches of time when we had single digit highs and subzero weather for several days on end. Hoping that doesn't happen this winter. So far, just a day here and there of very cold weather, surrounded by sunny, calm days with highs in the 20s and 30s. I hope the latter continues until the warmer weather of early spring.

  7. Nature’s beauty in all its glory! Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year! Yes, it's a lovely place in all seasons. :)

  8. The quiet beauty of Winter!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Yes, on "warmer" days, it's actually enjoyable to hike. :)

  9. And yet, the wildlife that lives there even now!

    1. So true. I frequently see deer among the trees along the path to the lake. And many geese, ducks, and other water birds hang out on the channel and the lake. Many hibernating animals, too.


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