October 03, 2018

Wednesday Vignette: Still Bright and Blooming

dahlias and tithonia

My vignette for today is a "planned" happy accident. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am new to growing Dahlias (and new to success with Tithonias!). In my continuing quest to make use of tiny spots of sunshine in my "Oak opening/Oak forest" garden, I placed this particular Tithonia (I grew many this year) between two bright, south-facing windows on the back of the house. I planted the 'Explosion' Dahlia tubers in a pot just in front of the Tithonia. I really didn't expect the colors of 'Explosion' to be so bright (it was hard to tell from the package). I'm sure they'll fade, but at this point they're perfect warm companions for the Tithonia.

As always, I'm finding the buds and nearly open blooms as beautiful and interesting (maybe more so) than the fully open flowers; the latter fade so fast. No frost yet, and none in the 10-day forecast. Yay.

Wednesday Vignettes are hosted by Anna at Flutter and Hum.


  1. How bright and cheerful! I love dahlias, but haven't had much success growing them here in Texas.

    1. Thanks, Rebecca! I've learned some things my first year growing them. They seem to perform pretty well in pots, but they get soooo tall. I have them all staked, but the wind and rain we've had this summer/fall have been tough on them. I'll start them inside next year to give them an earlier start. Lovely flowers, though!

  2. I love these rich colors in the garden. Well done accident or not.

    1. Thanks, Lisa. The flowers are now nearly fully open, and in this case I think I really do like the buds better. But I think if I had more sun to offer them, the flowers would be incredible. They're pretty, but not as full as they'd be in more sun. Maybe next summer/fall we won't have so many cloudy days and rain.

  3. Those half open flowers are utter perfection, delicately shaded with orange.

    1. I think so, too, Diana. I had no idea the buds would be so pretty. :)

  4. Where have these Tithonias been all my life??? Love them!!! And give yourself some credit - I don't believe for a second that this fab combo was as accidental as you make it out to be - even if somewhat planned. You did well, Beth! :D
    ~ Anna K

    1. Hi Anna: Yes, I love them, too, and I feel the same way about it taking me so long to try them. Honestly, I had no idea these two would complement each other so well. I mean, I'll take the credit, but I truly didn't plan for such a great match. :)

  5. That's a gorgeous combination, Beth. For whatever reason, I've never tried growing Tithonias but, as I recently saw a huge mass of them growing beautifully in my local botanic garden (just 5 miles away), I'm committed to including them in my cutting garden next year.

    1. Thanks, Kris. After seeing Tithonias on other blogs for the past several years, I had to try them. I didn't think I had enough sun, but they're really pulling through for me in little spots of sunlight! Good luck next year! You'll love them!

  6. Beautiful combination! So good to see you have a few more days with your annuals. Tithonia seeds are easy to collect and grow so you should have them from now on.

    1. Thanks, Shirley! I'll probably get new seeds for the Tithonias, because I'm really liking the cultivar 'Goldfinger' the best. In my partial/dappled sun garden, they have the best stature and they seem fuller and they don't grow quite as tall as 'Torch' or the straight species. I'm thinking the seeds wouldn't be true to the cultivar. But, yes, the flowers are stunning!

  7. Hi Beth, yes they are very colorful, almost like the colors of the tropics. I wish they will stay longer before the frost gets in.

    1. Yes, they're hot, tropical colors for sure. They also match the autumn leaves around here, which is nice timing. Potential frost is in the forecast, but sometimes it happens later for me because I'm near a lake and on a hill. Fingers crossed. ;-)

  8. Replies
    1. Yes, I like the way they match the Maple leaves, which are showing more color every day.

  9. I like Dahlia's during this time of the season as well. I think the cooler weather helps them last a wee longer.

    1. Hi Carla: I think you're right about the cooler weather. We are pretty warm, however--in the high 70s for the next couple of days. They are just about full bloom right now. I'm thinking I might cut them as soon as they hit peak, and put them in vases. :)

  10. Lovely... I will try my new batch of dahlia

    1. I'll look forward to your posts about your Dahlias, Endah! You'll have blooms when I am cold, so I'll be happy to visit your blog!

  11. Simply Lovely . . .
    The yellow and orange against the green is joyous . . .

    1. Yes, the colors are very cheery, aren't they, Lynne?! Improves my mood a little. :)

  12. The nearly opened blooms are lovely, aren't they? One of my dahlia varieties started to bloom while I was way but the other one (which was new to the garden) is only buds so far - At this point, it's a 50/50 as to whether I'll end up seeing a bloom from it this year.

    1. Yes, they are, Margaret. Not many people share photos of them, and in this case I think the buds are more interesting than the blooms. I need to get an earlier start with these guys next spring. ;-)

  13. Glad you are having success with Tithonias! Looks like the Dahlias will be very nice.

    1. Yes! Thanks to you and others for sharing their beauty on your blogs. I'm sold and I'll definitely plant them again next year. They Dahlias are great, too. I need to start them earlier indoors, though. ;-)

  14. Such a pretty combo! I didn't grow any dahlias this year and miss their late blooms. But as you know, I did grow some Tithonia, and the butterflies are loving it. I always think of Jason when I see it--I think his garden convinced several of us we need this plant:)

    1. I'm smitten, Rose. These are really pretty, but the now open flowers are getting pummeled by the rain, so the buds were truly much prettier than the flowers. I've only seen one monarch on the Tithonias, and it was one I released and placed there. Still, the bees are loving it! And I love it!

  15. A beautiful combination that perfectly matches the Nature's Palette Now widget on the side of the page. Very sunny and cheerful. Hope Jack frost continues to stay away from these!

    1. Thanks, Peter. Jack Frost is on his way tomorrow night. Darn. I will be cutting many flowers tomorrow afternoon!

  16. I love tithonias and the colour is perfect with your dahlia.

    1. I really didn't realize they would work so well together. The heights ended up working well, too. Both are beautiful, bright blooms. :)


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