June 17, 2024

Roses in a 'Vase' on Monday

bowl 1

Many of the Roses are blooming at the same time this year! They do tend to begin blooming in early to mid-June most years, but generally on a more staggered schedule. I'm loving the deluge and the bounty, probably due to various weather factors.

So, I put several in a bowl all together for happy viewing.

at last 2

The star in the middle is the hybrid tea Rose 'At Last,' which is so stunning, fragrant, and disease-resistant.

double pink

The outer ring includes the prolific and beautiful Oso Easy Double Pink.

sweet mary 1

Also, I included Fred's 'Sweet Mary,' my great-grandfather's hybrid. This Rose is particularly lovely as a full, lush bud.

sweet mary 2

But beautiful, also, when fully in bloom. I don't spray/treat my Roses, so some years the outer petals are a little brown on this one. But, oh my, the scent of 'Sweet Mary' is unequaled!

shrub rose

I didn't include this lovely shrub Rose in the bowl, because the color didn't seem to work, but it's a beauty, too. It was here when we moved in, so I'm not sure of its identity.

bowl 2

I have a limited collection of Roses in my garden, because of the shade conditions. Two others are not quite blooming yet, but I'll share their beauty in the coming weeks.

Rose blooms signify summer to me, and pleasant thoughts. I'm linking in to Cathy's In a Vase on Monday meme. Join in with your vase creations!


  1. A lovely display, Beth! I removed many of my roses last year as they hadn't been doing well for some time but of course I'm regretting that now as I see so many beautiful specimens in other peoples' posts.

    1. Thanks, Kris. Rose time is so special. I wish I had more sun so I could grow even more. But these particular varieties seem to perform pretty well in partial sun. I had more, and larger, Rose plants at my previous location.

  2. I love this Beth!! Our roses are finally doing well this season. In fact I was able to create several bouquets using them this past week. I had a busy fresh flower bouquet week last week... I used peony, iris, roses, daisies and hosta leaf in my designs.

    1. Hi Carla: Your combination of blooms sounds lovely! The weather has been so great for foliage and flowers alike...at least down here in the Madison area. :)

  3. Such an interesting way of displaying the roses, Beth, and no need to faff conditioning the stems or anything. How lovely to know your greatgrandfather created such a beautiful rose - was Mary your greatgrandmother?

    1. Hi Cathy: I don't usually have so many Roses blooming at once, so it felt natural to take advantage of the situation and display some indoors. :) Yes, Grandpa's Rose is a favorite in the family, and yes, Mary was our great grandmother. After I got your comment, I added a link to the text so folks can read the story behind the Rose's creation. <3 Thanks for your inquiry.

  4. I adore all your roses and so beautifully displayed to treasure.

    1. Thank you, Donna. :) It's a special time of year when the Roses bloom, isn't it? <3

  5. Oh, I'd love to stick my nose into that bowl of blooms! I bet its scent is heavenly. 🌹 Eliza

    1. Hi Eliza: Yes, the scent is wonderful! I've been swapping out blooms over time. Love this Rose time of year!

  6. Your roses are lovely and I like how I can look each one in the face. I know what you mean about shade. It is lovely to have in the heat of summer but darn it costs us so many blooms!

    1. Yes, the shade is kind of a mixed blessing, isn't it? And every year and season is different, depending on the precipitation (fuller leaves with more), heat (faster growth early in the season), and other conditions. Having a garden that ranges from a few open areas to nearly full shade (with most of it in between) is challenging.

  7. One can never get enough roses! Your collection is beautiful!

    1. Oh, so true! They certainly do brighten the landscape and scent the air. :)

  8. I think they look lovely like that. And a great way to photograph them! My mother displayed camellias that way.

    1. Hi Lisa: That would be a wonderful way to display Camellias, too. I wish I could grow them, but I'm just a little too far north.

  9. The center rose in your bowl is a wonderful color. R. ‘Sweet Mary’ and her story are just a delight. Your Great Grandparents were a handsome couple and it's nice you have the rose passed around in your family.

    1. Yes, I love 'At Last'! It doesn't bloom quite as long and prolifically as the others, but it's a beauty and the scent is amazing. 'Sweet Mary' is special for so many reasons. <3

  10. Cathy (WordsandHerbs)June 19, 2024 at 5:02 AM

    This is such a pretty way to show off your different roses Beth! They are beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Cathy. I hadn't thought to do the bowl thing for Roses in the past, but there are so many blooms this year...and they keep coming!

  11. Replies
    1. Yes, it did! I think I'll do some more arrangements in a bowl, because it's a fun change of pace. ;-)

  12. Beautiful!
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Lea. It was a wonderful weekend. A little warm and stormy, but now we have a cooler, calmer forecast ahead. I hope your weather (and garden) will be pleasant in the days ahead, too. :)

  13. Gotta love a good peach colored rose. That 'At Last' is exquisite. I was actually in the market for a good rambling, shrub rose yesterday. Looking for a semi-double, deep red flower with a bright yellow center. I found a few that fit the bill in terms of color, but not a one of them had a scent. I couldn't bring myself to buy one. What is the point of a rose without scent?

    1. Oh, I so agree with the peach color and I admit I prefer scented varieties. I hope you'll find a Rose that matches your vision. Good luck!

  14. Lovely roses and what a great way to display them. Imagining the fragrance must be delicious.

    I struggle so with arrangements I'll have to try this. One of many things I love about Hellebores---a "float" of them is so easy yet so beautiful!

    1. Yes, Hellebores are great in this type of arrangement, too. I have more Rose blooms this year than most years, so I didn't feel funny about clipping a bunch of them. They're still coming...

  15. They are gorgeous! Roses are a favorite of mine.


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